
Build your way with custom integrations

Seamlessly connect Mozaic to your existing tools to work smarter, faster, and more efficiently.

perfectly integrated

Simplify systems and speed up growth with a payment solution built for you.

Streamline workflows

Tailor your solution to match your unique workflows, automating payments, reporting, and compliance to save time and reduce errors.

Scale and adapt faster

Scale your business effortlessly with custom integrations that adapt to new platforms, revenue models, and changing creator needs.

Unlock hidden insights

Unify data across platforms to drive growth with analytics that reveal performance trends and ROI across your creative network.

Get all your tools working for you

Let your integrations handle the heavy lifting, so you can focus on business growth.

Connect any system

Integrate with your existing CRM, ERP, accounting software, and custom tools—no more data silos, no more tedious manual entry.

Sync data, seamlessly

Keep all systems instantly updated for accurate, real-time data that drives smarter decisions and more efficient workflows.

Save time with automation

Automate creator payments to cut down on admin work, ensure accuracy, and give you more time to grow your business.

Future-proof your infrastructure

Effortlessly scale integrations to support new platforms, workflows, and creator requirements as your business expands.

Fast setup,
easy customization

Effortless data alignment

Automatically match your current data structures to Mozaic for a fast, error-free setup experience.

Custom field support

Add as many data fields as you need to meet the unique needs of your creators, teams, and brands.

Instant data transformation

Standardize and convert data formats automatically to ensure consistency and reduce processing errors.

Designed for the creator economy

Integrate with any creator 

Connect directly to YouTube, Twitch, Spotify, and any other creator platform to get real-time insights into earnings and creator performance.

Drive impactful campaigns

Gain complete visibility into sponsorship and campaign performance, track ROI with confidence, and maximize your revenue potential.

Measure partner impact

Track performance and measure the impact of each collaborator, giving you clear insights into what’s driving success.

Scale faster with the right data

From financial data to creator performance, connect the data you need to fuel your growth.

Take the admin out of integrations

Work smarter not harder with custom tools designed with developers in mind.

Comprehensive API tools

Use RESTful APIs, GraphQL support, real-time webhooks, and SDKs in popular programming languages for easier customization.

Flexible integration framework

Build integrations the way you want them to work with tailored endpoints to connect and automate your payment processes.

Advanced development features

Manage API keys, implement OAuth 2.0 for secure authentication, test in a sandbox environment, and seamlessly support CI/CD pipelines.

Developer support

Integrate faster with interactive documentation, clear code examples, and expert support to get you up and running in no time.

More from Mozaic

Whitelabel API

Allows creative enterprises to integrate customized payment and tax solutions into their existing platforms.

Tax and compliance

Simplifies tax handling with built-in tax & compliance tools customized for global creative enterprises.

Mass onboarding

Enables swift and seamless onboarding of collaborators and contributors at scale.


Most standard integrations can be set up within 24-48 hours. Custom integrations typically take 3-5 business days, depending on complexity and system requirements.
We support all major creator platforms including YouTube, Twitch, Instagram, TikTok, and Spotify. Our flexible architecture allows us to quickly add support for new platforms as they emerge.
Yes. Our platform supports unlimited custom fields and data mapping. You can create your own data structure while maintaining smooth integration with both enterprise systems and creator platforms.
We provide comprehensive developer tools including detailed API documentation, SDKs for major programming languages, sandbox environments for testing, and dedicated technical support for implementation.

Stop letting disconnected systems limit your creative partnerships.

Future-proof your enterprise with intelligent data integration.

Let’s talk payments